Customer Reviews | ArtSigns®

ArtSigns Reviews

Read genuine reviews about ArtSigns to discover what customers are saying about their signs, including reliable personal impressions about the company and services provided.

Casey & the Moniker Team

Casey & the Moniker Team

I want to thank you and your team so much for your incred­i­ble work on our sign. It looks AMAZ­ING (exact­ly as we’d envi­sioned, real­ly), and we got so many com­pli­ments on it dur­ing our par­ty last night. I also want to thank you for going above and beyond both in get­ting the sign ready for us so quick­ly, as well as all your help around the office yes­ter­day. We were so impressed, and will cer­tain­ly refer you and your team if we know of any­one look­ing to have a sign made up.
Ashley Martins

Ashley Martins

It looks way bet­ter than what I thought! It looks so nice! The black just pops off our wall.
Tyanna West

Tyanna West

It looks real­ly nice. We called around to maybe 10 dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies, some local, some not local, and your pric­ing was by far the best. When we saw your work and got your pric­ing back, we thought this sounds too good to be true! What’s the catch!
Absar Beg, CPA, CA

Absar Beg, CPA, CA

They are awe­some, thank you for the quick turn­around and creativity.
Michelle Kappeler | Digital Content Coordinator

Michelle Kappeler | Digital Content Coordinator

I want­ed to share with you the sig­nage you cre­at­ed for us for our fair. We got so many com­pli­ments and I believe we gave your info to sev­er­al ven­dors. It was a huge suc­cess and might have con­tributed to us win­ning best booth!
Chelsea Cameron

Chelsea Cameron

The sign real­ly looks great guys, Thanks!
Sharon Beharry

Sharon Beharry

It was nice to come in and see the new sign, makes our office look so much more pro­fes­sion­al. Thank you so much for help­ing us with our project, you did a great job.
Kyle Bleiman

Kyle Bleiman

Looks Awe­some. I’m glad we went deep. I was sort of unsure if we should have gone with 1″ or 12″. I think it’s a good choice.
Steve Rooth

Steve Rooth

I believe a brushed alu­minum would be the mate­r­i­al we would like to go with, but open to sug­ges­tions from you as you are the experts.
James Morrison, Vice President and CEO Porter Airlines Inc.

James Morrison, Vice President and CEO Porter Airlines Inc.

I want­ed to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to thank you very much for get­ting the sign done for me so quick­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. It works very well. Thank you and wish­ing you con­tin­ued suc­cess with your busi­ness. Kind regards, Jim — James Mor­ri­son, Vice Pres­i­dent and CEO Porter Air­lines Inc.
Michael Deluce, Executive Vice President Porter Airlines Inc.

Michael Deluce, Executive Vice President Porter Airlines Inc.

As always, we enjoy work­ing with you… Also, we will throw in two com­pli­men­ta­ry pass­es to NY or any des­ti­na­tion we fly for you to try the ser­vice. Thanks.


Check In counter sign is up in Thun­der Bay and looks fabulous.
Michelle Demeulenaere, Procurement Manager

Michelle Demeulenaere, Procurement Manager

When design­ing com­pact liv­ing spaces, such as the Xpres­sion Con­do­mini­um, the clever use of mir­rors can not only expand a space, but bounce light around a room and add a touch of sparkle and sophis­ti­ca­tion. The fab­u­lous work by Art­signs helped to achieve this look and gave poten­tial buy­ers a great first impres­sion when enter­ing the suite.”
Rudy Hurtado - Designer

Rudy Hurtado - Designer

Thanks again for the job well done. Here is the response from it so far…- Sony Cen­tre Pres­i­dent Dan says that it’s receiv­ing a unan­i­mous wow” from every­one as they get off the esca­la­tor. He and Ron­nie (Mar­ket­ing) are hold­ing all” of their social and media events there. It’s been the set­ting for CTV and many oth­er interviews”

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