Script House Numbers And Cursive Address Signage

Script house numbers and address signage in 3 dimensional form. In most cases we use 1/2" thick glossy black acrylic attached to the stucco wall with double sticking adhesive and few dabs of silicone. Matte black, white and custom color options are also available. Installation was a snap with our patented installation system®.

home or house number scripts

Price: $100-300


Type: Script House Numbers

House Number Sign Prices

*Ball­park Pric­ing Based on Aver­age Length of ~4ft

Mate­r­i­al Thick­ness Options:

  • 12″ thick, black acrylic — $320
  • 14″ thick, black acrylic — $257
  • 18″ thick, black acrylic — $130
  • Includ­ing easy to use self instal­la­tion Kit, pre­cise spac­ing tem­plate, and instructions.
  • USA cus­tomers — No Tax + Ship­ping $79
  • Instal­la­tion — $120 (with­in the GTA)

Cursive House Numbers - Order in 4 Easy Steps

1. Send us the size of the wall where the sign will be hung with a pic­ture of the wall tak­en straight on.

2. Describe the wall (exam­ple: smooth wood, rough stuc­co) and instal­la­tion address.

3. What fin­ish do you pre­fer (exam­ple: Glossy Black, Mat­te Black, White or cus­tom color).

4. Do you want cur­sive or script, serif, or sans-serif text. If you want a spe­cif­ic font, let us know. We are flex­i­ble because our signs are 100% cus­tom made mean­ing you can choose any font you like.

House numbers and address in three dimensional form made of black or custom made acrylic to beautify your house or home

Instal­la­tion in Toron­to area costs approx­i­mate­ly $120.- but you can eas­i­ly do it your­self and save !

Improve your House look with unusual numbers and address in three dimensional form made of black or custom made acrylic to beautify your house or home

To receive a quote we’ll need two dimen­sions of the space you want to place the 3d sign, also we will need a pic­ture of the wall to have bet­ter idea of what kind of mate­r­i­al can be used.

Improve your House look with unusual numbers and address in three dimensional form made of                          black or custom made acrylic to beautify your house or home

Final look of the cur­sive house num­bers. This 3d sign can also be made with just the num­bers or dig­its with­out the word­ing. Every­thing is eas­i­ly customizable.

Script Number and Address house dimensional signage

Installing a house sign like this takes no more than 30 min includ­ing the time it takes to posi­tion and con­firm final placement.

Outdoor House address in dimensional lettering

Our pre­cise laser cut instal­la­tion tem­plate makes installing your house sign a breeze. It allows for less mea­sur­ing and the peace of mind that all the num­bers and let­ters will be posi­tioned accurately.

Script House sign with number and street name in 3 dimensional form

A big improve­ment to the visu­al aes­thet­ic of your home­’s exte­ri­or. Both ele­gant and high class, a great way to quick­ly increase the resale val­ue of your home. With our new address sign it real­ly does look like a mil­lion bucks.

What Material do you use for House Number signs?

In most cas­es, the mate­r­i­al we use is 12″ or 14″ glossy black acrylic. Although we also make mat­te black acrylic house signs, glossy black acrylic is a pop­u­lar choice because it does not require paint­ing and because of that, is also more cost effec­tive than acrylic paint­ed mat­te black.

The black col­or is actu­al­ly embed­ded in the acrylic so the fin­ish will stay untar­nished even with dai­ly expo­sure to rain, snow and sun.

That being said, if you need the sign to be met­al, we can also make it using 14″ or 12 alu­minum or stain­less steel. The let­ters could even be thick­er than 12″ because every­thing we make is cus­tom. So if you have any spe­cial requests, please let us know!

How will my house sign be mounted to the wall?

For mount­ing we use dou­ble sided tape and sil­i­cone. If your wall is rel­a­tive­ly smooth such as paint­ed sid­ing, flat brick or even stuc­co then this type of mount­ing works great.

If how­ev­er, you are installing your sign on a very uneven sur­face, instead we would use spac­ers with met­al screw that drill into the wall to secure the house num­ber. These screws are coat­ed with clear sil­i­cone to ensure they stay secure­ly in place.

Can I use any font for my house number sign?

Yes, you can use any font for your sign because every­thing we make is cus­tom made to order. If you are unsure of what font to use we can rec­om­mend a few options and even show you what they will look like on your house. Our design­ers are able to make mock­ups very close to the fin­ished product.

​How do I pick the right height for my numbers and letters?

It’s best to first take a step back and mea­sure the area where the address is to fit on the wall. Mea­sure both the width and height of the spot you would like to mount your house num­ber and then take a pic­ture of the entire space straight on. The pic­ture will help us show you what your house sign will look like once you sub­mit your request.

Once you have the avail­able height, it’s best prac­tice to allow 1 – 3″ of breath­ing room above and below the house num­ber. If you are not lim­it­ed by the height of the avail­able space, keep in mind the aver­age height of house signs is between 4 – 10″.

It’s hard to imag­ine exact­ly what your sign will look like with­out a visu­al aid. This is why we pro­vide Free pro­por­tion­al Mock­ups before any cus­tom house sign we make. That way you will be sure you have the right size before we make your sign.

Do you provide free mockups?

Yes, we always pro­vide free mock­ups of every house sign we make to avoid any sur­pris­es and ensure you are hap­py with the final result.

​Ready to order your custom house number sign?

Sub­mit a quote request and we will quick­ly help you pick the right col­or, size and fin­ish to match your house.