Frequently Asked Questions | ArtSigns®

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a custom sign normally cost?

On aver­age cus­tom lob­by signs range between $600 — $1300. It could be less or it could be more depend­ing on the size, com­plex­i­ty and fin­ish of your sign. Most recep­tion signs with 3D let­ter­ing in an office lob­by set­ting will range in size between 3 — 6 feet in length. At this size, your recep­tion sign will usu­al­ly land with­in this price range.

We will help you adjust the size, fin­ish, and mate­r­i­al thick­ness to get a high qual­i­ty sign you and your clients will love, while keep­ing with­in your tar­get bud­get. That being said, for star­tups and com­pa­nies just start­ing out, sig­nage can still be a bit of an investment.

Rest assured it’s an invest­ment that will help you build val­ue, respectabil­i­ty and trust in your brand. We’ve seen from expe­ri­ence through help­ing our cus­tomer’s move their signs how quick­ly busi­ness­es we work with expand. We hope that we can help your busi­ness expand too, so that you can quick­ly see a return on your investment.

How can I get a quote for a sign?

If you haven’t already, first get inspired by tak­ing a look at the exam­ples in our Office Sign Gallery. Once you have an idea of your ide­al lob­by sign, send us an email (address below) or com­plete the online form below.

In your quote request, start with a brief descrip­tion of your ide­al sign based on exam­ples you’ve seen. Include pho­tos of the wall tak­en straight on, mea­sure­ments of the wall, and your logo art­work (in vec­tor out­line format).

If you have any ques­tions, please call us and we’ll glad­ly guide you through the process,

  • Head office: 4165164141
  • Toll free: 18775164141
  • Office Hours: EST 9am — 5 pm
  • E‑mail: abc(at)artsigns(dot)com

How long will it take to get my sign?

Pro­duc­tion time nor­mal­ly depends on the size and com­plex­i­ty of your project. If you have a dead­line, we will do our best to accom­mo­date it (con­sid­er­ing the dead­line falls with­in a rea­son­able time frame). A 1 – 2 week rush pro­duc­tion sched­ule is often pos­si­ble if you are in a rush to have your lob­by signs com­plet­ed (rush charges apply). Nor­mal pro­duc­tion time is 4 – 6 weeks.

How is the sign installed?

We have installers world­wide who will glad­ly assist you in installing your sign.

Each 3D sign also comes equipped with our easy to use instal­la­tion pat­tern and instruc­tions. The pat­tern is a card­board cutout of your logo allow­ing you to sim­ply plug in the indi­vid­ual let­ters and sym­bols of your logo through it and onto the wall.

Every sign includes instruc­tion­al videos, gloves, writ­ten instruc­tions, adhe­sives and every­thing else you will need to install your sign. We’ve received great reviews from any­one who’s tried our easy to use instal­la­tion method.

What logo file should I upload?

For design and pro­duc­tion pur­pos­es you should pro­vide a vec­tor for­mat file with all text con­vert­ed to out­lines. The file should be in Adobe Illus­tra­tor for­mat (.ai) how­ev­er .eps, and .pdf files with out­lines are also great.

You should be able to get this from the per­son who designed your logo. Don’t wor­ry, if you don’t have this file when sub­mit­ting your quote request. Pro­vide the high­est qual­i­ty logo file avail­able to you and you can always pro­vide the cor­rect files later.

We can help you recre­ate your logo in vec­tor for­mat if for any rea­son you can’t locate it or have lost touch with your design­er. In most cas­es art­work recre­ation will cost $80 — $120.

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