Black Plastic Letters - Corporate Signage For Arbon Equipment

Any space with great big windows facing your business' front door entrance is ideal for showcasing a sign that reflects both your appreciation for quality, high standards as well as the bright blue sky outside and even your clients when they walk in! The lobby signage we made for Sharon at Arbon Equipment in Mississauga, ON is a perfect example.

Black plastic lettering with custom red details as new Corporate Signage for Arbon Equipment

Price: $1000-1300

Out with the old, in with the new! The new sign (above) is a big improve­ment over what was there before (below). It will def­i­nite­ly make a big­ger impact and help build greater trust in the com­pa­ny when clients first walk in.


Materials: Acrylic
Length: 5 foot (60") long signs
Thickness (Letter): Half inch thick (1/2") Letters
Mounting Method: Raised on spacers
Finish: Glossy Black Signs
Industry: Industrial Manufacturing Signs
Old 2D framed print sign from years past is no longer as effective as it once was.

The old sign was great when it was first hung but the new sign with glossy black raised plas­tic (acrylic) let­ter­ing is a big improve­ment over the old sign. The framed print of the com­pa­ny name can only go so far.

Sharp, Clean, and Classy Lobby Wall Signage

Every busi­ness needs pre­sentable lob­by sig­nage that wel­comes guests, invites clients to do busi­ness, and presents your com­pa­ny in a respectable way. You’ll be shocked at the dif­fer­ence in how your clients see your com­pa­ny, approach your brand and even inter­act with your employees.

Excit­ing video of the moments the recep­tion sign went put up at Arbon Equip­ment in Mis­sis­sauga, ON.

Arbon equipment team celebrates the unveiling of their new lobby wall sign
Sharon Beharry

Sharon Beharry

It was nice to come in and see the new sign, makes our office look so much more pro­fes­sion­al. Thank you so much for help­ing us with our project, you did a great job.

If you’ve been think­ing of updat­ing your recep­tion sign, pos­si­bly from an old­er 2D print to a more per­ma­nent 3D let­ter sign so that it can bet­ter rep­re­sent your com­pa­ny, please feel free to reach out to us today. We’re hap­py to answer any ques­tions you may have! Vis­it our quote page or con­tact us to find out more!