Green Wall Sign — 3D Custom Business Logo Lettering Cut-Outs - Example: Moniker

For this example we made a custom company logo for Moniker and mounted it to an artificial ivy panel which they supplied. The ivy hedge was pre-mounted to a flat board and surrounded by a custom white wooden frame. The ivy wall wasn't thick so it was easy to reach the backdrop when mounting.

We found that corporate signs, logos and letters make a great feature wall statement and as office decor when combined with an artificial Ivy hedge wall or panel.

Custom business sign logo cut out on green wall in office space reception area

Price: $600-800


Materials: Acrylic
Length: 3 foot (36") long signs
Thickness (Letter): Half inch thick (1/2") Letters
Mounting Method: Raised on Threaded Rods
Finish: Painted Color Signs
Type: Dimensional Sign Letters
Location: Indoor Signs
Industry: Hospitality Signs
Happy customers of 3d cut out company logo sign on green reception wall
Custom logo sign cut out on green hedge wall in office space lobby
Casey & the Moniker Team

Casey & the Moniker Team

I want to thank you and your team so much for your incred­i­ble work on our sign. It looks AMAZ­ING (exact­ly as we’d envi­sioned, real­ly), and we got so many com­pli­ments on it dur­ing our par­ty last night. I also want to thank you for going above and beyond both in get­ting the sign ready for us so quick­ly, as well as all your help around the office yes­ter­day. We were so impressed, and will cer­tain­ly refer you and your team if we know of any­one look­ing to have a sign made up.

Green Wall Logos for Office Spaces

With the green move­ment in full force, we’ve seen an increase in the use of arti­fi­cial plant and hedge walls used to show­case cutout names of com­pa­ny brands in office recep­tion areas, build­ing lob­bies and at spe­cial events and trade shows.

Using 3D Logos for Hedge walls at Events

More brands are using portable hedge wall back­drops to add life and green­ery to their exhib­it booths. These hedge walls make excel­lent back­drops for cut-out com­pa­ny logos and sign letters.

Ben­e­fits of using green walls as back­drops for logo signs and letters:

  • No main­te­nance arti­fi­cial hedge wall / faux hedge 
  • Ful­ly customizable
  • On brand for eco-friend­ly, organ­ic and nat­ur­al businesses
  • Adds new life, green­ery, and opti­mism to your trade show exhib­it booth

Moss Letters / Turf Sign Letters

Anoth­er great way to bring a green eco-friend­ly feel­ing to your com­pa­ny sign is by using chan­nel let­ters encased with turf or moss.

If you are unable to pull off a full moss or hedge art wall, we can just flip the idea to make the let­ters them­selves green.

Ben­e­fits of using Moss or Turf filled letters:

  • Zero main­te­nance required.
  • Won’t fade or dry out
  • Works with most fonts and designs.
  • Easy wall hanging

These let­ters come in dif­fer­ent types of moss, grass and ivy and will add tex­ture, col­or and depth to any office space.

Turf encased custom business sign letters

Turf Encased Chan­nel Let­ter Sig­nage — George Example

Green Branding

Peo­ple are pre­pared to sup­port and pay a high­er price for a brand that has a sus­tain­able image (Wikipedia). Green brand­ing helps boost cor­po­rate image and adds a unique sell­ing point to your product.

Green” signs are great because they show that your com­pa­ny knows that con­sumers are increas­ing­ly push­ing brands to become more con­scious of sus­tain­able busi­ness prac­tices, the envi­ron­men­tal, and its conservation.

Marketing Strategies and Eco-friendly Signage

Com­ple­ment­ing your office space with a sign that shows your busi­ness is envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly is the best final step in cel­e­brat­ing a busi­ness phi­los­o­phy and mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy that min­i­mizes waste, enforces the use of renew­able resources and truth­ful­ly gives back to the environment. 

A green cor­po­rate office sign is like a cher­ry on top— an amaz­ing way to com­mu­ni­cate your busi­ness’ hard work in becom­ing more envi­ron­men­tal­ly con­scious for the ben­e­fit of your employ­ees, cus­tomers and busi­ness part­ners who vis­it your office. 

Thinking of Getting a Custom Green wall Sign or Logo?

Send us a quick quote request with your logo and a very short descrip­tion of your sign so that we can answer any ques­tions you might have in get­ting your own sign made quick­ly and easily.