Office Door Sign - Custom 1" Thick Acrylic Letters Make A Bold Statement

With everything you need to properly set up a new office space, telephones, internet, and furniture it's only after everything else is in place and the office decor seems complete that there's one daunting empty space next to your office door. And the question dawns, "How will people find us!?"

There are many options for office door signs. Here is one example of thick laser cut acrylic letters.

'executive' office door sign letters made with 1 inch acrylic

Price: $100-300

Thick laser cut acrylic let­ters paint­ed mat­te white make a bold state­ment against a mat­te char­coal black wall by the door to KNB design studio.


Materials: Acrylic
Length: 2 foot (24") long signs
Thickness (Letter): One inch thick (1") Letters
Mounting Method: Flush mounted
Illumination: Natural Lighting
Finish: Painted Matte Color Signs
Type: Office Door Signs
Location: Indoor Signs
Industry: Creative Agency Signs

Install the let­ters your­self with an easy to use mount­ing pat­tern or have local installers install it for you.

Kyle Bleiman and his partner at office door sign

Cre­ative Direc­tor Kyle Bleiman and his part­ner at KNB Stu­dio in Toron­to check­ing out the depth on the acrylic let­ters of their new­ly installed sign which spells their com­pa­ny name, exec­u­tive”.

Office Door Signs are not the first thing you think about when moving into a new office space, but probably one of the more important.

With so many options out there for per­son­alised busi­ness door signs, includ­ing plaques, name plates, print­ed and engraved signs- it’s often hard to pick one and go with it. Espe­cial­ly with all the things need­ing atten­tion around the time of the big move.

Not unlike reg­u­lar recep­tion signs like the one we made for BluWa­ter Con­do Pre­sen­ta­tion Cen­tre, the main dif­fer­ence between the type of signs we make for inside the office and those out by the door is that they’re usu­al­ly quite small­er, on aver­age between 12″ — 24″ in length.

Some­times it’s best to keep it sim­ple, espe­cial­ly when good design is some­thing you spe­cial­ize in. As was the case for Kyle Bleiman of KNB Stu­dio in Toron­to, a firm that believes, Good Design is Obvi­ous. Great Design is Trans­par­ent”.

Your office door sign is a good place to make your design sense known, espe­cial­ly when your clients are just get­ting to know you.

A simple alternative to traditional business door signs

Walk­ing through any office build­ing you see many types of typ­i­cal office door plaques. In most cas­es there is a cer­tain over­all con­sis­ten­cy that these door plaques must con­form to. Most of the time, tra­di­tion­al busi­ness door signs depict your com­pa­ny name or logo, stand off the wall on a glass or acrylic plaque, and gen­er­al­ly will do a great job at direct­ing clients to your office.

If you’re look­ing for some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent and If you see oth­er busi­ness­es down the hall from you with a vari­ety of dif­fer­ent door signs, espe­cial­ly ones with­out a plaque, that’s often a good sign that you can approach your land­lord with the idea of fea­tur­ing indi­vid­u­al­ly mount­ed 3D acrylic letters.

Designers and thick white acrylic office door sign

Great care went into design­ing the size of the let­ter­ing for the office door sign to be pro­por­tion­al. The avail­able width, thick­ness and size of the let­ter­ing all had to be con­sid­ered to get the right balance.

Pros and Cons

A ques­tion I get asked a lot is about dam­age to the wall when remov­ing the sign. Tra­di­tion­al signs mount­ed on plaques will always leave four holes in the wall from the four stain­less steel mounts used to secure the plaque and raise it off the wall next to or on the office door. 

Indi­vid­ual let­ters of acrylic door signs are typ­i­cal­ly mount­ed to the wall with dou­ble sided tape and sil­i­cone. When this type of sign is removed in the future, it may leave a bit of sil­i­cone and tape residue but both can be removed and cleaned. If the paint on the wall is loose, the tape may remove a bit of the wall colour, but this can also be touched up.

Either way, when remov­ing any type of door sign, if you want it to stay up while you’re in the space it’s like­ly that you will need to touch a up the wall with a bit of paint when you leave. So you can feel com­fort­able choos­ing either a plaque mount­ed sign or one with indi­vid­ual let­ter­ing mount­ing either direct­ly to or raised off the wall.

If you found this arti­cle use­ful and have any ques­tions, com­ments or would like to learn more about get­ting your own office door sign made please sub­mit a quote or get in touch.

Kyle Bleiman

Kyle Bleiman

Looks Awe­some. I’m glad we went deep. I was sort of unsure if we should have gone with 1″ or 12″. I think it’s a good choice.
Custom acrylic name plate

Anoth­er cus­tom door sign we made just across the hall from Kyle’s new exec­u­tive’ sign.

Custom acrylic office sign by door