Office Door Signs

Office Door Signs

What are Office Door Signs?

Office door signs and door name plates take many forms and help visitors see that they've arrived at the right place.

Make sure you choose the right custom door sign for your business industry, office decor, and branding style so that you can enforce brand consistency and build company trust.

Here are a number of unique office door sign ideas and options.

Polished Metal Law Office Door Sign Coveylaw

Matthew Cov­ey of Cov­ey Law with pol­ished alu­minum door sign he installed himself.

Common Solutions

  • Acrylic Plate Door Signs
  • Met­al Plate and Insert Door Signs
  • Acrylic Let­ter Signs
  • Meet­ing Room Signs
  • Bath­room Door Signs

Raised Acrylic Logo

They say sim­ple can be hard­er than com­plex. Using a cus­tom cut acrylic logo as a door sign is a sim­ple, yet clean and effec­tive way to present your brand and lead vis­i­tors through your door and into your office.

Door Sign with Frosted Red Acrylic Letters Format
Custom made acrylic logo office door sign

Jet Coop­er — Cus­tom laser cut acrylic logo raised on spac­ers using our unique Pas­tel Ice Frost® finish. 

Acrylic Office Door Plates

Acrylic is an excel­lent mate­r­i­al for clear, frost­ed, or even opaque col­or office door plate signs.

Acrylic mate­r­i­al comes in these finishes:

  • Clear
  • Green edge (Glass look)
  • Frost­ed
  • Glossy white or black
  • Paint­ed to match a cus­tom color.
  • Print­ed

In addi­tion to the stan­dard acrylic fin­ish­es above, we also pro­vide acrylic met­al fin­ish­es, which you can find in the Engraved Acrylic Met­al sec­tion below.

Frosted Acrylic Office Door Plate with company logo and suite number raised off hallway wall on metal standoffs

Frost­ed acrylic can be used with a print­ed logo cutout and vinyl film suite num­ber for mount­ing next to an office’s front entrance.

Engraved Acrylic Metal Door Plaques

Engraved met­al hall­way signs are a great way to help vis­i­tors find their way to your office. Although this type of sign may seem com­mon, we make our door plaques thick­er, at 14″ thick­ness, with crisp laser cut edges fin­ished in a chrome sil­ver for a more refined first impression.

Engraved office door signs can fea­ture the com­pa­ny name, logo, names, suite num­bers and any oth­er infor­ma­tion you can imagine.

Silver engraved office door sign in brushed metal finish for Vascular Surgery Office

One way to install a door plaque is to mount it direct­ly to the door with dou­ble sided tape and silicone.

Office door plaque raised off hallway wall on 4 decorative stainless steel spacers and mounts

Anoth­er way to hang a door sign is by using 4 dec­o­ra­tive stain­less steel mounts or hang­ers. These mounts also have cylin­dri­cal met­al spac­ers which set the sign away from the wall at a set distance.

Engraved corporate financial services office sign with 3D letters painted blue Security Financial

Engraved plaque signs can be com­bined with 3D let­ters, either paint­ed or also in a brushed met­al fin­ish for a unique mul­ti-dimen­sion­al look.

Engraved Name Plates

Engraved Name Plates are classic. 

They allow you to change the sta­tus of the room using mes­sages such as In Use” or Vacant” and can be cus­tomized to include addi­tion­al messages. 

Slid­ers can also be used for employ­ee offices. Eas­i­ly change names or designations.

Engraved door sign plates and slid­ers with cus­tomiz­able messages

Acrylic Meeting Room Display Plaques

Clear acrylic dis­plays help show­case meet­ing room sched­ules and change­able mes­sages. Ful­ly cus­tomiz­able head­er with raised acrylic let­ters and a side slot open­ing for 11″ x 8.5″ paper to be insert­ed. Cus­tom size slot options available.

Custom Acrylic Office Meeting Room Sign Holder

Vinyl Meeting Room Door Decals

Vinyl let­ter­ing is an eco­nom­ic choice for label­ing office doors, meet­ing rooms, board­rooms and con­fer­ence rooms. 

The vinyl mate­r­i­al is cut to the shape of your cus­tom let­ters or sym­bols and can be made in an opaque col­or, frost­ed, or even print­ed as part of a cus­tom design.

Pric­ing for Vinyl Let­ter Door Signs of this size (6″ to 12″ in length by 2″ in height) ranges from $18 to $35 each.

Toronto Vinyl Meeting Room Door Sign
Glass Door Frosted Vinyl Sign Vancouver

3D Meeting Room Door Letters

Dimen­sion­al sign let­ters make great office door signs and can even be mount­ed to glass board­room win­dows using a thin vinyl film back­ing to hide the glue from being vis­i­ble from the oppo­site side.

Laser cut dimen­sion­al let­ters can be paint­ed to match any col­or, mat­te or gloss. The let­ters can also be made in a brushed met­al finish.

Pric­ing for 3D Door Signs of this size (6″ to 12″ in length by 2″ in height) ranges from $95 to $125 each. Brushed met­al fin­ish $150+.

Door Sign 3D Letters Mounted On Glass Grasslands

Laser Cut Acrylic Grass­lands” let­ters, 14″ thick, paint­ed a semi-gloss white fin­ish and mount­ed to the glass.

3D office door sign letters on Glass near sliding meeting room door that read Grasslands

An exact dupli­cate of the sign in white vinyl film was installed on the glass before the dimen­sion­al let­ters were installed. The film lay­er hides the adhe­sive from being vis­i­ble on the oth­er side.

Metal Door Sign Letters for Office Boardroom Glass

Mad Men style met­al door sign let­ters for office board­room frost­ed glass add a classy look and feel to the office.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How are Door Plaques Installed?

Door plaques can eas­i­ly be installed direct­ly to the wall or raised on mounts. 

For mount­ing direct­ly mount­ed or flush mount­ed signs, we pro­vide a spe­cial easy to use instal­la­tion template.

The tem­plate is basi­cal­ly a laser cut rec­tan­gu­lar cutout that’s slight­ly larg­er than your sign with a laser cut open­ing and a notch show­ing where the cen­ter of your sign will be. The open­ing is exact­ly the same size as your sign. Well, slight­ly larg­er to allow for an easy fit.

We also include dou­ble sided tape adhe­sive already applied to the back of your sign. To mount your plaque direct­ly to your door or wall you just need to tape the tem­plate into place, mak­ing sure it is lev­el, remove the pro­tec­tive film from the dou­ble sided tape and add small dabs of clear sil­i­cone next to the tape.

Bring your door plaque into place using the pat­tern for posi­tion­ing and press firm­ly so that the tape can bond with the wall and the sil­i­cone can spread. That’s it!

For mount­ing raised signs on dec­o­ra­tive stain­less steel mounts, we pro­vide a spe­cial easy to use instal­la­tion pattern.

The tem­plate is a laser cut rec­tan­gu­lar cutout made exact­ly the same size as your sign. The tem­plate comes with pre-made holes show­ing the exact spots where mounts need to be drilled.

Spac­ers and mounts can be used to mount the sign to the wall next to the door with addi­tion­al plas­tic anchors or direct­ly into the door, by pre-drilling or using the cor­rect screws.

You just posi­tion the pat­tern on the wall, lev­el it, tape it into place and mark the mount­ing holes with a mark­er, or sharp point. Drill each hole using the sug­gest­ed bit size (usu­al­ly 14″ for 1″ diam­e­ter spac­ers), insert a plas­tic anchor or pre-drill for wood­en sur­faces. Screw the pro­vid­ed screw through the spac­er and into the anchor or surface.

Once spac­ers are secured to the wall, all you need is to secure the sign to them by hand tight­en­ing the dec­o­ra­tive caps through the holes in your plaque.

Examples of Office Door Signs